Caring Currency & "Profits To The Planet"

Citizens of ConscienceLAND are building a decentralized, peer-to-peer, user-owned payment network to unite the people of the Earth and achieve the 17plus.ONE Global Goals in Shared, Sustainable Prosperity.
When people have the freedom to own their own money, invest in each other and live a LOHHAS Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainab
Citizens of ConscienceLAND are building a decentralized, peer-to-peer, user-owned payment network to unite the people of the Earth and achieve the 17plus.ONE Global Goals in Shared, Sustainable Prosperity.
When people have the freedom to own their own money, invest in each other and live a LOHHAS Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability, they will defend the future utilizing the Gaia Catalog of Sustainable People, Places and Products
Children depend on adult protection and guidance. How do we Make Childhood Great Again?
- Stop the Trauma
- Stop the Genocide
- Kidults Grow Up
- Share wholesome stories
- Decentralize the Future
Use your Wealth AGAINST WAR, future generations will thank you!
Become a ConscienceLAND Citizen and AMBASSADOR in the
Get SDGtoken Of Appreciation to create a more HUMANE world
Use QR Code above to send DOGE DLyzvRV1dEZhW5F4w9cTPMEp6u7eBvuHHt
Invest in the "People's Coin " and Become a Citizen of ConscienceLAND
eg. Help Create a HumaneCoin supporting animal welfare
Be one of the DEFI Pioneers in ConscienceLAND ... become a Liquidity Provider on UNIswap's
(Experienced Cryptos Only)
Crypto is an exciting but challenging place for newbies and old satoshi hands alike, but always remember, If you don't own your keys, you don't own your coins!
1st Suggestion: Remove your coins from custodial wallets and digital exchanges asap
2nd Suggestion: Secure your digital assets. Remember -You are your own bank and the bank in your hand is your TREZOR
3rd Suggestion: Trust, but verify. (that's what a TREZOR does...)
Your most precious asset is not digital, it's your secret key words and your TREZOR hard wallet that protects all your digital assets. ...indispensable even if your computer or mobile are already hacked, spied on, or otherwise compromised when using insecure coffee shop wifi or a strange computer.
We all know computers, systems and accounts are constantly being attacked and hacked. Passwords and key phrases are being stolen every day.
If you seriously want peace of mind and to safely hold on to your digital assets and bitcoin, get a TREZOR hard wallet RIGHT NOW, TODAY.
Please share these important suggestions and link with your family, friends and people you care about.
ConscienceLAND makes a small commission if you buy this PRODUCT WE USE & BELIEVE IN , costing exactly the same if you bought it through our affiliate link or not, but meaning so much more to people sharing this opportunity!
Buy your first (or 3rd!) TREZOR Starter Kit here, through the ConscienceLAND BlockChain Onramp and you'll get a Crypto Voucher and 7 steps to secure your bitcoin and other digital assets.
Click on the "Learn more" ad above or button below...
Secret Castle in Germany
Everyone is excited about the #ClimatePoker and #SDGpoker NFT Collectable Cards
ONLY 333 - First Time Ever Joker Card - the 3fingerw - Society Environment Economy in Balance
World Premiere ConscienceLAND #ISR Individual Social Responsibility Card - Joker's Wild
After purchasing this World Premiere SDG#18/SDG#12 Jokers Wild Card - you'll be eligible for ConscienceLAND swag and a Pioneer All-Access Coach status
(For Reference only - at time of issue 0.033 ETH was approximately $44.64 )
First Issue Ever of the Roger the Reality Rooster #WakeUp2Reality Ace of Hearts on #ChangeWednesday Jan 6th, 2021
Only 33 available (On the historic January 6th 0.333 ETH was valued at approximately $354.38 )
Purchase Directly
After purchasing this First Issue Ever - you'll be eligible for ConscienceLAND swag and a Pioneer All-Access Coach status when you register at
all transactions are decentralized, irreversible blockchain transactions. All blockchain transactions are final.
The SDGtoken of Appreciation is one of the oldest concepts in cryptocurrency.
Originating from the Republic Of Conscience (now ConscienceLAND) the SDGtoken represents the collective and cooperative value of our human efforts to solve the SDG’s - the 17+1 Sustainable Development Goals, with a GROWTH POTENTIAL the size of humanity.
"It's not money - it's more valuable and long-lasting"
Cryptocurrencies are the best way to Pay-it-Forward”, receive and record values in the Digital Commons.
The SDGtoken of Appreciation is part of a decentralized, “trustless” ecosystem that frees us to concentrate on sharing value and values with our neighbours, our community and collaborators on the other side of the planet.
"Based on gifts from others, it's your Universal Social Credit "
Since the early days of the SOCIAL BLOCKCHAIN, the SDGtoken of Appreciation has been shared and promoted by the best and brightest in ConscienceLAND.
Join the SDGchallenge and Appreciate someone who is making the world a better place.
"You can't buy your reputation, but you can earn it with the SDGtoken of Appreciation"
7 years before the signing of the Sustainable Development Goals (Paris 2015) and around the time Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin, researchers and activists from the McMaster Institute were searching for solutions to "Seal the Deal" on Climate Change
In 2013, Jake Smith, Chandler Guo, LiChuang Gong, Philip McMaster and other pioneers assembled in Cheku Cafe in Zhongguancun Hightech area of Beijing, forming the genesis Blockchain Republic of Conscience - a break-away Social Blockchain and new Digital Commons. (see archival "visionary" Video "bitcoin as Caring Currency" 2013-12-03 at 0:07:00min local communities more 0:03:52)
On September 25th 2015, 195 countries agreed to solve the 17 SDG's before 2030. In Paris, SustainaClaus of ConscienceLAND began the effort to identify Individual Social Responsibility (ISR), promote a Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability (LOHHAS) and develop a blockchain-based reward for solving the SDG's.
Rewarded for participating in major events and lectures around the planet, participating in the fateful DAO placing well in U.N. / UNICEF blockchain innovation competitions, with the SDGsummiteers have even reaching the top of Mt. Everest with the SDGtoken of Appreciation.. (SDG's Nepal Himalayan Travel Mart Presentation Race to SDG
The SDGtoken of Appreciation is FIELD TESTED as a key component of the BlockchainOnramp throughout Asia, remote communities in the Himalaya, in Africa, Europe and Oceana. Attending every "COP" U.N. Climate Change conference since 2015.
Sharing with todays pandemic heroes and far into the foreseeable future - relationships, networks, honour, confidence and trust are much more important than fiat money.
The SDGtoken was precisely created to serve the need to reward individuals, build communities and not perpetuate a capitalist economy that values profits over people.
Join the and start EARNING your SDGtokens of Appreciation Today.
Send us the URL of your online 3finger Photo and automagically get on SustainaClaus' Good List to be eligible for SDGtokens of Appreciation_\!/
Even if you don't have a 3 Finger Photo (see promoting sustainability online, you can still earn SDGtokens of Appreciation as a citizen-subscriber at
730 Nathan Road. Mongkok, Kowloon, HongKong
Unlike almost every other cryptocurrency, the objective of the SDGtoken of Appreciation is NOT to be scarce, to increase in individual token value or to be held or speculated for financial gain - Instead, the objective is to distribute the token widely as a peer-to-peer-to-peer gift of appreciation for acting on the Sustainable Development Goals, crediting the recipient and temporary holder in the blockchain record only when they in turn "Pay-it-Forward".
The Objective of the SDGtoken is to increase the wealth of relationships, trust, community, care and action on the most serious issues of our times.
Because of security concerns and a lack of response from an unreliable (now closed) centralized exchange in Australia, a newly minted issue of ERC20 SDGtokens with additional new features has been placed on the decentralized liquidity pool and exchange. All previous SDG tokenholders who are subscribing citizens in good standing are eligible for token replacement and bonuses.
The 2019 Blue Paper describing the ConscienceLAND Caring Currency and SDGtoken of Appreciation is downloadable here.
The SDGtoken reached a physical All Time High (ATH) topping the highest mountain on EARTH, carried by local Sherpa climbers and SDGsummiteers in 2018.
Thousands more SDGtokens will be "airdropped" to currently subscribing Coaches and Ambassadors of ConscienceLAND at
Principal Researcher Philip McMaster of the McMASTER INSTITUTE established the SDGtoken.
With principal research, development and educational offices in Hong Kong.
You're invited to ConscienceLAND's SDGtoken Decentralized Liquidity Pool Party at
ETH Unicorn or Passionate Hot Pink SDGtoken suggest you're a welcome guest in the ConscienceLAND Pool Party
Add your Liquidity Pool Tokens through
For example, if you send 3, 5 or up to 33 ETH at
The equivalent in SDGtokens will be sent to you at approximately 0.03USD for you to deposit at as an (LP) Liquidity Provider or Give them Away as Gifts!
Be Buy Boost SDGtoken
Executive profile – With the invaluable guidance and help of top tier professionals from around the world, Principal Researcher Philip McMaster of the McMASTER INSTITUTE established the SDGtoken to assist taking action on and completing United Nations Sustainable Development Goals before 2030
With principal research, development and educational co-locations in Hong Kong China, Canada, U.K. and a growing number of Coaches and Ambassadors of the ConscienceLAND Coop on every continent, ConscienceLAND and the SDGtoken are truly distributed, decentralized and open source.
In Bitcoin Billionaire, the efforts of Philip McMaster and the World Sustainability Project (now ConscienceLAND) are cited / discussed second only to social justice advocate and ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin. (Amazon site: no affiliate link)
Blockchain author and miner Jeremiah A. Coffey sharing the 3 fingers of Sustainability, the SDG_\!/ with Philip McMaster, (known as DaLong in China) who was honoured and amazed to be included in a book called "Bitcoin Billionaire", since he isn't and wasn't a billionaire, millionaire or even thousandaire at the time of writing or since!
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